As the company’s Chief Analytics Officer, Reuven Shnaps leads Earnix Analytics  organization. In his role Reuven oversees Earnix product roadmap management  and directs the company’s analytics strategy, research and delivery for Earnix customers worldwide. Reuven has spent more than 20 years developing and analyzing advanced statistical and economic models. Over his 10+ years at Earnix, he has gained extensive experience in crafting analytical solutions, and managing and implementing pricing & analytical projects for leading financial institutions around the globe. Prior to joining Earnix, Reuven worked in the economic and statistical consulting group at Deloitte & Touche in the United States, serving corporate clients across multiple industries. He holds a PhD and a master of arts in economics from The University of Pennsylvania and a master of arts in business economics and a bachelor of arts in economics and statistics from Bar Ilan University

Presentations by Reuvan Shnaps:

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